a joy that comes….
Today I have to say “see you soon” to a dear role model and friend in my life. My Pawpaw went Home to be with Jesus earlier today. As I reflected over the times that I have spent with him lately, the one thought that continually comes to mind is a conversation that I had with him a few months ago. I walked in one afternoon, and he was laughing and smiling. I asked him how he was, and he told me that he was great. He said, “Honey, there is a JOY that comes when you know that you are going HOME.” That moment something in me rejoiced with him, as I knew the eternal truth of life everlasting was so real and so close for him. He is Home and today I rejoice knowing that he is with Jesus. Face to face, in the overwhelming presence of God. He will never be tired, hungry, sad, or anything else less than perfect. Today he knows perfect peace. What a gift to know that he walked with our Savior and that I will worship with him again for all eternity. There is a peace that comes when you know that you are in a right relationship with God, and there is a JOY that comes when you know that one day you will go Home to be with Him.
My prayer is that today, you are in a right relationship with the Living God. The One who made you, loves you, and He is calling you to walk with him every day here on this earth that He made until He takes you Home to be with Him forever. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. He formed it with His words, and knew all of your days before you were even conceived. He longs to be first in your life above all else and before anything else. Your actions, words, and what you spend your time on are a true reflection of your relationship with Him. Is He first? Are you following Him, or is Jesus just a good idea and something that you have added to everything else that is in your life?
Pawpaw knew that following Jesus was more than praying a prayer, walking down an aisle, reading the Bible, or going to a church service. It was a decision to surrender to the Living God and to do things His way. Pawpaw told me many times that the Lord called him to be a preacher when he was 16 years old. He also told me how he ran from and ignored that call for the majority of his life, and how he regretted not surrendering to him sooner. He would tell me, “If God can still use an old man like me, then I will do whatever He asks me to do.” I was able to see God use my Pawpaw to pray for his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Pawpaw was also able to minister to the families of ACA by praying over the kids and parents that went and sang to him at Christmas this year. He prayed so strongly over all 50 plus people that were crammed into his bedroom this past December. It was such a precious time together, and I will never forget it. Greg and I have both been able to talk about different nuggets of wisdom that we gleaned from our talks with Pawpaw during devotions with the school multiple times. In a way, Pawpaw was able to preach some of those sermons that God had given him through us. I have a feeling that there are many more of those lessons that we will be sharing in the months to come as well. The Lord also used many of the devotion times that I had with Pawpaw to speak to my heart about a verse, or to give me a revelation that needed to be shared with His school. His bedside had become one of my favorite quiet places. I am so thankful today that I know exactly where my Pawpaw is, and we have not “lost him” at all. He is Home worshipping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I look forward to the day when all of the sorrows that we face here on this earth are shattered in a moment, and are consumed by overwhelming joy. See you soon Pawpaw. We loved you so very much.
I pray that you know that Hope and that Peace today,