His Provision
“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; For all that is in Heaven and in Earth is Yours; Yours is the Kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people that we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from You!” 1 Chronicles 29:11-14
Today at Alexander Christian Academy we experienced a small portion of the riches that God is pouring out to supply all of the needs for His school. He has sent incredible, supernatural provision, and today we were able to sort and inventory a small portion of what He has supplied. We had countless boxes of school and office supplies donated to our school before we even had a building to operate in. It is amazing to be a part of something that God is blessing and that He is sending His riches to. We are trusting Him to meet all of our needs. Every single one of them.
Today He met our needs in the form of sharpies, sticky notes, pens, binders, scissors, glue sticks, and literally 2 pages full of other items totaling over $3,000 worth of supplies that were given to our school. This week we will pick up copiers, computers, and curriculum materials that are being donated to God’s school here in Alexander county. Our 4 classrooms are filled with supplies and our school is full of God called staff members. We will have our Open House this Saturday to show all of Alexander County the Faithfulness of our Living God who blesses us exceedingly, abundantly, beyond what we could ever think or imagine. I am beyond thankful to be a part of what God is doing at Alexander Christian Academy, and I am incredibly grateful for His undeniable faithfulness. Our God is GREAT and He is almighty. There is NO one like Him, He controls EVERYTHING.