Declaration of Dependence
“So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on Him.” Hosea 13:6
I am filled with wonder and amazement at the goodness and faithfulness of our Great and Mighty God. He is too great for me to begin to describe and is more wonderful than I could ever tell. I am so thankful for the Great I am and all that He is, not just what He does. He is the only One that restores, the One that repairs, the One that rebuilds, the One that revives. It is Him who gives us our every breath that we might give Him praise. We have life that we may give it to Him and live it only for Him.
As we are preparing for the start of the school year for God’s school, we are praying now more than ever before that He would guide our every thought, every step, every decision, and every detail of His school. I am continually reminded of not being conformed to the ways of this world but being transformed by the renewing of my mind through Christ. We do not want to do anything just because it is the way that it has always been done or it is how everyone else does it. We are seeking God’s ways for His school because His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher than ours. He gives us wisdom as we seek after Him and His will. Our prayer and the cry of our heart is Lord, let YOUR Kingdom come and let YOUR will be done. Every single day. We declare our dependence on the Living God. The one who was, who is, and who always will be. He is unchanging and His faithfulness never ends. If we depend on our ways, our intentions, our wisdom, our thoughts, our experience, or anything of ourselves, we will fail, struggle, and face unnecessary difficulties. If we completely depend on God, we can never be disappointed because all of the results are His. There is so much peace when we are in a place of complete surrender to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we depend on His Spirit to lead and guide us in all that we do.
We are declaring our dependence on Him to meet our needs, to fill HIs school, and to lead us in all that we do. We are not seeking the approval of man, but we desire to be pleasing and obedient to the Lord. We will unapologetically seek Him, His ways, and His truth. We will not compromise the vision that He has entrusted to us and we will not deter from it. We will hold tightly to the words that He has spoken and the vision that He has given us, and loosely to how He brings it about.
I am thankful for those that the Lord has stirred and joined with us in this journey of establishing His school in His way. If he is calling you to join us in any way, my prayer is that you will be recklessly obedient to His leading. School starts on Tuesday with the exact children and staff that God has hand picked to be in His school. I am filled with amazement, awe, and wonder at the GREATNESS of our God.
With great anticipation,