The godly LOVE to give……. Look at how God is working at ACA!
“Most people don’t want to go to school, but I love school because it is so much fun and there are a lot of fun things to do! Lord, thank you for all our food and for always taking care of us. Amen” Jackson- 6 year old student at ACA praying before our lunch time
We are 21 days into school today and it is simply amazing to see the faithfulness of God released every single day in mighty and tangible ways. We have seen the provision of God over and over again as He has provided for His school in His way. Ten days ago Greg and I made the decision to cut our first paychecks for the amazing staff members who have given so selflessly of their time, talents, and their own money to serve daily as ministers to these precious children that God has sent to His school. We gave 10% of all the donations that had come in as our tithe and then divided the remaining money out between the amazing ladies that the Lord has brought to impart wisdom here at ACA. We had to depend on the Lord to provide and to replenish His account for His school, as we get no funding from the state or
the federal government and our school does not have a set tuition. We have to trust God every day to meet our needs, and He has exceedingly, abundantly blessed us and provided for ACA.
As of last Friday, one week from the day when we depleted almost all of our account, God had sent us back DOUBLE what we had to begin with. It reminded me of the verse: “Some people are always greedy for more, but the Godly love to give!” Proverbs 21:26 The Lord has connected us to some very godly people who love to give and love to see His purposes fulfilled. There is NOTHING too difficult for our Great and Mighty God, and He continues to show His faithfulness in so many ways. He is stirring the hearts of His people to partner with us as He establishes His school in His way. We are seeking Him daily and striving not to be conformed to the ways of this world, but to be transformed to be more and more like Him as we follow His ways for ACA. We know that His ways are not our ways and we are praying for His wisdom and guidance daily so that we will not do things according to the way that the world says, but according to His ways. Please continue to pray for us and for all of the precious families that the Lord has drawn to His school. Our prayer is that every child that sits in God’s school will grow in wisdom rapidly for the glory of God, and that His name would be made famous. We are looking forward to what lies ahead….. Philippians 3:13
For His Glory,
If you would like to partner with us in anyway, you can send tax deductible donations to 3919 Icard Ridge Road Hickory NC 28601